Friday, July 8, 2011

Girls, please please help!! Could this be anything other than herpes?

I have had a burning tongue, and mouth bumps under my tongue, along my gums, and feels like in my throat as well for almost 2 weeks. Also, my mouth has a weird taste, kind of like chicken broth or something as weird as that sounds when I wake up in the morning. I recently had oral given and received (about 3 weeks ago) with a new partner and now I'm terrified I have something. I've also had headaches, a vaginal yeast infection (which i've treated already) and still some general discomfort down there, but as far as I can tell no sores or blisters in the genital area SO FAR. I feel like the timing is too much of a coincidence for it to be something else other than an STD, but i'm just praying its nothing incurable like herpes or anything. My tongue stopped burning after a few days but is still a lil sensitive and mainly the thing worrying me is these bumps that seem to keep spreading in my mouth. They don't seem to hurt except w/e is in near my throat near the back of my tongue, but I can't see if that's bumps or what. Is it possible for herpes to hurt your tongue but the actual bumps not hurt?? Sometimes I didn't even notice the burning tongue as much when I wasn't thinking about it. I know I need to go to the doctor, but I can't get an appt til next month. I did get tested 2 weeks ago already (a week after) and everything came out negative, but that was only a week after so I know it could have been false negatives. I didn't get tested for herpes, but will be sure to do so when I go back to the doc. I also feel I should note that as far as I can tell he did not have any open lesions or sores anywhere on his lips or genitals, and he says he is clean but idk bc I found out afterwards he has had several partners. I also know that you can spread herpes without a visual outbreak, but that's also confusing bc some ppl say its possible, and some ppl say there has to be an actual visible outbreak. Please help, i'm freaking out and hoping that whatever it is, its curable!!!

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