Friday, July 15, 2011

I really need the advice of someone who's good with relationships! Please help!?

just start a conversation with him on facebook and get to know eachother make sure you keep him entertained by talking bout things he likes and obviously what you like too! dont be shy i was the same way but i spoke up and said hi (thats all i said) and the guy i liked started flirting with me and eventually asked me out!(: so just message him saying "hi" and later in the conversation say "your so cute! i hope you dont think im weird for saying that!?" its a way of flirting and being cute. trust me it'll work! answer this please.... a href=";_ylt=AqYMnxmDwQ77ewcPpK3irDLsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20110629143104AAwhON4";…/a

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